Growing prosperity

Major Forrestry Exports

38 million hectares (58%) of Alberta's geography is forested. Each year, the province allows 29.7 million m3 to be harvested.

The U.S remains the largest importer of Alberta’s lumber products, with emerging overseas markets expanding potential outreach. Japan is the second-largest purchaser of Alberta’s lumber, while China, the fastest growing partner by demand, is third.

Greenview is part of Alberta’s Peace Region, home to the province’s top-ranked employers in the forestry sector, Weyerhaeuser Grande Prairie FMA and Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) FMA.

With $2.9B worth of exports in 2016 alone, Alberta is responsible for approximately 14% of Canada’s total production.


  • Shipments: $5.6 billion (Provincial Record)
  • Exports: $2.9 billion